Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile

Biomarkers included in this panel:

Hgb A

Hemoglobin A makes up about 95%-98% of Hb found in adults; it contains two alpha and two beta protein chains.

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Hgb A2

Hemoglobin A2 makes up about 2%-3% of Hb in adults; it has two alpha and two delta protein chains.

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Hgb C

Hemoglobin C can cause a minor amount of hemolytic anemia.

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Hgb F

Hemoglobin F (fetal hemoglobin) makes up to 1%-2% of Hb found in adults; it has two alpha and two gamma protein chains. This is the primary hemoglobin produced by the fetus during pregnancy; its production usually falls shortly after birth and r

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Hgb S

Hemoglobin S, the primary hemoglobin in people with sickle cell disease that causes the RBC to become misshapen (sickle), decreasing the cell's survival.

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Hgb Solubility

The Hemoglobin Solubility test is used to help identify the presence of Hemoglobin S. The test may also detect sickling hemoglobins, and evaluate hemolytic anemia.

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Hgb Variant