Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana)


Performed by: Verisana Lab

Biomarkers included in this panel:



Bacteroides spp.

Bifidobacterium spp.

Blastocystis hominis

Blastocystis hominis (B. hominis) is a unicellular protozoan found in the large intestine of humans. B. hominis is the most prevalent single-celled eukaryotic organism found in humans. It is a causative pathogen in irritable bowel disorders and the t

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Candida albicans

Candida spp.

Citrobacter spp.


Clostridium spp.

Cryptosporidium spp.

Dientamoeba fragilis

Dientamoeba fragilis is a parasite that lives in the large intestine of people. This protozoan parasite produces trophozoites; cysts have not been identified. The intestinal infection may be either asymptomatic or symptomatic.

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Entamoeba histolytica

Enterococcus spp.

Gram-positive genus of lactate-producing bacteria in the Firmicutes phylum. High levels may be due to reduced digestive capacity, constipation or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Low levels may indicate insufficiency of beneficial bacteria.

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Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a type of bacteria that normally live in the intestines of people and animals.

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Geotrichum candidum

This fungus has garnered scientific interest due to its presence in the human microbiome and its widespread occurrence in the environment. It plays a role in various biological processes and can have both positive and negative effects on human health

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Giardia lamblia

Helicobacter pylori



Klebsiella spp.

Lactobacillus spp.


Mouth Swab

Other Enterobacteriaceae

Other worms or unicellular intestinal parasites

Pancreatic elastase 1


Fecal pH is largely dependent on the fermentation of fiber by the beneficial flora of the gut.

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Proteus spp.

Pseudomonas spp.



SIGA (Secretory IgA) is the primary antibody that is protecting us from pathogens and toxins from penetrating mucosal surfaces. Its role is crucial in protecting the integrity of the intestinal epithelium. The antibody blocks the access to the epithe

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Taenei spp.


Trichuris trichiura